These weight management startup programs provide you with a really good starting solution for anyone serious and committed to losing weight. They are scientifically balanced to ensure maximum nutrition, in a low calorie way as possible and without the need to feel hungry. For weight loss to be achieved there needs to be a calorie deficit between the calories eaten, to the calories that are burned off during daily activities and exercise. Scientists can prove that 500 calories a day deficit, for 7 days of the week, will lead to 1lb of fat being lost from the body.
The Formula 1 Nutritional Shake can be made with fruits, fruit juices, semi skimmed milk, soya milk, fromage frais and yogurts. These shakes provide a good basis of carbohydrates, soy proteins, vitamins and fibre.
F2 Multivitamin Complex is really important to take, because when reducing calorie intake you need to ensure there is no deficit in any minerals, vitamins and micro nutrients. The multivitamin also works in conjunction with the shake to ensure you are getting all the basic nutrition.
Fibre and Herb designed to aid safe and effective weight control by providing an increased amount of dietary fibre. It helps you reach the recommended daily fibre intake of 25g per day
Formula 3 Protein Powder add this to your F1 nutritional shake for added protein, it helps to build lean muscle mass.
By increasing your percentage of lean muscle mass your metabolism is also increased meaning you’ll burn more calories even while you are sleeping!
Instant Herbal Beverage (thermojetics) this drink can be taken hot or cold, mixed with water. It contributes to your daily water intake and is an alternative to tea and coffee. Drink Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage which is a delicious, low-calorie instant tea mix that increases energy and keeps you rejuvenated while you watch your weight.
1 x Formua 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
1 x Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
1 x Fibre & Herb
1 x Formula 3 Protein Powder
1 x Formua 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
1 x Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
1 x Fibre & Herb
1 x 50g Instant Herbal Beverage
1 x Formula 3 Protein Powder
To buy any of the Herbalife products visit my “Wellness Products Store” You will have to register first.